| Kathleen | Locker | Alexandria | OH | http://www.etsy.com/shop/nottooshabbydesignco | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Jamie | Prell-Morath | loveland | OH | jamiemorathart.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Arlaina | Marie | Brook | IN | http://www.fineartbyarlainamarie.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Janey | Payne-Short | Frankfort | MI | http://www.foreveryoungartstudio.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Diane | Kline | Lexington | KY | dianekline.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Cathy | Pearson | Centerville | OH | cathypearsonartist.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Linda | Chamberlain | Bay City | MI | | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Paul | Fletcher | westlake | OH | http://www.paulfletcher.artspan.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Britt | Hallowell | Grove City | OH | https://www.brittsfineart.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Yu Chuan | Liu | Louisville | KY | | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Bill | Watkins | holland | OH | | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Pamela | White | Lexington | KY | | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Debra | Gleason | Maineville | OH | | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Barbara and David | Downey | Livonia | MI | http://www.earringholders.com | 2-D MIxed Media |
| Michael | Thiele | Flagstaff | AZ | http://www.hardwoodmusiccompany.com | 3-D Mixed Media |
| Chuck and Dianne | Geier | New Lenox | IL | http://www.thenewhomestead.com | 3-D Mixed Media |
| Karen | Daughtrey | Hillsboro | OH | | 3-D Mixed Media |
| Shawn | Cline | Hot Springs | SD | http://www.decorbyshawn.com | 3-D Mixed Media |
| Diana | Hydock | Freeland | PA | | 3-D Mixed Media |
| Larry and Tracey | Rogers | Dickson | TN | http://www.ltrpottery.com | Clay, Decorative |
| William | Shearrow | Canton | OH | http://www.shearrowpottery.com | Clay, Decorative |
| Luis Enrique | Gutierrez | Wake Forest | NC | | Clay, Decorative |
| Rae | Hull | St. Augustine | FL | http://www.snoozes.etsy.com | Clay, Decorative |
| Jack | Valentine | Ravenna | OH | http://www.jackvalentinestudio.com | Clay, Decorative |
| Jaime | Iliff | Cincinnati, | OH | jaimesartpottery.com | Clay, Functional |
| Jon | Thompson | Lampe | MO | | Clay, Functional |
| Melisa | Zimmerman | Lexington | KY | | Clay, Functional |
| William | Bowen | Charlestown | IN | http://www.billandgean.com | Clay, Functional |
| Jason | Parsley | Cincinnati | OH | http://www.parsleypottery.com/ | Clay, Functional |
| Crimson | Duvall | richmond | KY | http://www.crimsonduvall.com | Clay, Functional |
| Doug | Schmidt | La Porte | IN | | Clay, Functional |
| Stan | Baker | Ann Arbor | MI | higherspottery.com | Clay, Functional |
| Lesley | Reich | Manville | RI | http://www.potterymountain.com | Clay, Functional |
| Jamie | Grauvogel | Cincinnati | OH | https://hwww.graybirdpottery.com | Clay, Functional |
| Jeanne | Russell | Seneca | PA | | Clay, Functional |
| Scott and Jenny | Martin | Schoolcraft | MI | scottmartinpottery.net | Clay, Functional |
| Cathra-Anne | Barker | Santa Fe | NM | http://www.barker-meyer.com | Clay, Functional |
| Paveen "Beer" | Chunhaswasdikul | Gadsden | AL | http://www.beers-pottery.com | Clay, Functional |
| Trish | Caudill | Louisville | KY | | Clay, Functional |
| Chuck | Wimmer | Brecksville | OH | http://www.loftprints.com | Digital Art |
| Jennifer | Danko | Westerville | OH | http://www.etsy.com/shop/JennyDanko | Digital Art |
| Jeanne | Scannell | newburg | PA | | Fiber |
| Lucy | Moore | Anniston | AL | http://www.lucystoys.com | Fiber |
| Anna | Algers | Montgomery | OH | http://www.moandmedesigns.etsy.com | Fiber |
| Cyndy | Naylor | Villa Hills | KY | http://www.sassysacks.net | Fiber |
| Dolores | Fegan | Stanford | KY | https://doloresquilts.wixsite.com/mysite | Fiber |
| Marzena | Weber | Algonquin | IL | http://www.marzenaweber.com | Fiber |
| Xiao Xia | Zhang Minich | Olmsted Township | OH | thesilkneedle.com | Fiber |
| Diane | Kenny | mountaindale | NY | http://www.clozs.com | Fiber |
| Sierra | Cole | Grand Rapids | MI | http://www.sierracole.com | Fiber |
| Fatou | Sall | CAPITOL HEIGHTS | MD | | Fiber |
| Deb | Poplasky | Canandaigua | NY | | Fiber |
| Barb | Sturbaum | Bloomington | IN | | Fiber |
| Mary | Ward | Batavia | OH | Facebook.com/TwoStitches | Fiber |
| Ruby | Ballard-Harris | Indianapolis | IN | | Fiber |
| Jeri | Landers | Rutledge | TN | http://www.jerilanders.com | Fiber |
| Nancy | Gilmore | ft thomas | KY | https://www.etsy.com/shop/QuiltsbyNan | Fiber |
| Heather | Bevilacqua | Amesbury | MA | Grinnsinc.com | Fiber |
| Kyoung-Joa | Park | Rochelle Park | NJ | | Fiber |
| Gary Keener | and Mark Schultz | New Carlisle | OH | keenerschultz.com | Furniture |
| Christopher | Krauskopf | Louisville | KY | http://www.therockingchairman.com | Furniture |
| Carolyn and Leonard | Wilson | McHenry | IL | http://www.theglasshaus.com | Glass |
| Charlene | Heilman | Lily | KY | https://www.charleneheilmansglass.com/ | Glass |
| John | Crahen | Baraboo | WI | | Glass |
| Susan | Clark | Sardinia | OH | | Glass |
| Adria | Jerman | Columbus | OH | | Glass |
| Janice and Rick | Moore | bryan | OH | | Glass |
| William | Ortman | columbus | OH | http://www.Williamortman.com | Glass |
| Jennifer | Ritson | Hebron | KY | rhhaberdashers.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Heather | Kirton | Sturgis | KY | http://www.thecraftist.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Wade | Halsey | Edgewood | KY | flyingolive.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Patrick | Durham | Hodgenville | KY | sweetshoppehodgenville.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Doug | Daniels | Fredericktown | OH | | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Jennifer | Smith | Aurora | OH | http://www.buckeyeblends.net | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Daniel | Trudel | Fredericktown | OH | http://www.annsraspberryfarm.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Michael | Gillam | Bexley | OH | Michaelsartisanchocolates.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Julie | Bolejack | Shelbyville | IN | chocolateforthespirit.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Terry | Markwardt | Austin | TX | http://www.wise-gadgets.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Rebecca | Meyer | Brookville | IN | thesoapshepherd.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Linda | Thomas | Dayton | OH | paddycakesllc.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| George | McCord | Georgetown | KY | kentuckybaddog.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Ed | Puterbaugh | Lexington | KY | http://www.boonecreekcreamery.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| James | Strickland | Louisville | KY | http://www.jamberson.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Jillian | Price | Covington | KY | https://made-by-mavis.myshopify.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Brian | Griffin | Pittsburgh | PA | http://www.chocolatemoonshine.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Lisa | Wilson | BURTON | OH | nectarofthevine.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| David | Sponcil | Dry Ridge | KY | http://www.BrowningsCountryHam.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Matthew | Harlin | Zanesville | OH | http://www.josemadridsalsa.com | Gourmet Marketplace |
| Humbert | Hernandez | Flat Rock | MI | http://www.humbertosdesigns.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Amy | Beeler | Oregon | OH | http://www.amybeeler.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Lisa | Adkinson | Dayton | OH | http://www.lisarobinjewelry.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Joseph | Cyberski | Dexter | MI | jcyberskijewelry.shutterfly.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Jana | Margeson | Galena | OH | http://www.janamargeson.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Jon | Lee | Lewis Center | OH | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Ray and Amy | Bridewell | bellevue | KY | http://www.wegrowcrystals.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Don | Bodenberg | Cincinnati | OH | http://www.davincisilver.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Sharon | Johnston | Dallas | TX | http://www.sharonjohnstonjeweler.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Betsy | Bracken | Arboles | CO | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Robin | Durnbaugh | Fort Wayne | IN | http://www.robinslovingtouch.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Sonja | Sheriff | COLUMBUS | OH | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Terry | Groseclose | Berthoud | CO | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Shandor | Madjar | Colorado Springs | CO | http://www.Artsilver.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| David | Nugent | Hinsdale | NH | evensongjewelry.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Deb | Chenault | Berea | KY | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Rachel | Conner | Columbus | OH | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Phyllis & Jerry | Minnery | Taylorsville | KY | http://www.PhyllisMinnery.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Hanan | Ingel | Berkeley | CA | http://www.ownapieceofhistory.biz | Jewelry, Fine |
| Antoni | Kozlowski | Shelby Township | MI | http://www.antonikozlowski.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Andrea & Rolf | Ludden | Gatlinburg | TN | http://www.earthandskyjewelry.com | Jewelry, Fine |
| Renate | Favour | Williamsburg | MI | | Jewelry, Other |
| Eddie | Lomax | Sellersburg | IN | https://www.blueridgedesignsjewelry.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Terri | Huntley | Ashland | OH | http://www.sparkleezcrystals.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Dawn | Hatzidakis | Crestwood | KY | http://www.designsbydawnky.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Rachael | Schultz | Ashland | WI | oreblram.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Jennifer | Pottner | Mason | OH | http://www.urbanraku.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Jonna | Vaughn | West Chester | OH | | Jewelry, Other |
| Martha | Ponn | Newark | OH | http://www.marthaponn.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Tara | Hicks | Fishers | IN | http://www.taravistadesigns.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Robbie | Moriarty | Louisville | KY | | Jewelry, Other |
| Wendy | Seaward | Knoxville | TN | wendyseaward.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Janeth | Hemmerling | Hilliard | OH | | Jewelry, Other |
| P “Pete” | Steele | Indianapolis | IN | | Jewelry, Other |
| Cheryl | Stevens | Sault Sainte Marie | MI | | Jewelry, Other |
| Deidre | Nabors | Columbus | IN | http://www.deidrenabors.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Melissa | Woods | Toledo | OH | http://www.MelissaMarieWoods.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Annabelle | Fisher | Sterling | OH | | Jewelry, Other |
| Mary Kay | Moore | Cincinnati | OH | | Jewelry, Other |
| Nora | Swanson | Berea | KY | http://www.nswansonarts.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Kimberly | Arden | Temperance | MI | http://www.kimberlyarden.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Erin | Rossi | Chicago | IL | erinrossidesigns.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Cassandra | Graham | Dayton | OH | http://www.cassandragraham.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Bart | Ziegler | Lake Geneva | WI | | Jewelry, Other |
| Dustin | Sybilrud | Eden Prairie | MN | http://www.harpstone.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Theresa | Yee | Blue Ash | OH | https://www.riverandbirch.com | Jewelry, Other |
| Holly | Ulm | Nisswa | MN | http://www.etsy.com/shop/isms | Jewelry, Other |
| Caroline | Clarke | Thomaston | GA | | Leather |
| Melissa | Oesch | Lexington | KY | http://www.reimaginedonline.com | Leather |
| Mark | Mowen | Copley | OH | leatherstuff.com | Leather |
| Cliff | Garren | Greeneville | TN | | Leather |
| Lisa | Strauss | Hackettstown | NJ | http://www.coldemar.com | Leather |
| Lori | Burton | Oregonia | OH | encoreenvie.com | Leather |
| Douglas | Hain | Myerstown | PA | http://www.oldtownwindbells.com | Metal |
| Jimmy | Hopkins | Woodstock | GA | | Metal |
| Bruce | Holmberg | Brooklyn | NY | | Metal |
| Susan | Dlouhy | Athens | OH | http://www.passionworks.org | Metal |
| R.Dean & Gloria | Barkley | HARTLAND | MI | | Metal |
| Marisa | Ray | Knoxville | TN | http://www.marisarayart.com | Oil/Acrylics |
| Mary | Combs | Lexington | KY | https://www.instagram.com/luminescent.art/ | Oil/Acrylics |
| Annette | Poitau | Oberlin | OH | http://www.annettepoitau.com | Oil/Acrylics |
| Megan | Cannon | Benton Harbor | MI | http://www.maudestudios.com | Oil/Acrylics |
| Chris | Hartsfield | Louisville | KY | http://www.chrishartsfield.com | Oil/Acrylics |
| Thomas | LeGault | Plymouth | MI | | Oil/Acrylics |
| Anna | Fleckenstein | Wilmington | OH | http://www.littlecreekcandles.com | Other |
| Ted | Tarquinio | Louisville | KY | http://www.tltphoto.com | Photography |
| Charles | Gabriel | toledo | OH | gabrielphotographyinc.com | Photography |
| Roger | Ballard | Versailles | KY | paulrogerballard.com | Photography |
| Ralph | Tyree | Winchester | KY | http://www.ralphtyreephotography.com | Photography |
| Dan | Tye | cincinnati | OH | [email protected] | Photography |
| Elizabeth | Barron | Cincinnati | OH | https://elizabeth-barron.com | Photography |
| John | Chumack | Dayton | OH | http://www.galacticimages.com | Photography |
| Jay | Wennersten | Carol Stream | IL | | Printmaking |
| Peter | Rujuwa | Greenwood | IN | uniquerockart.com | Sculpture |
| Jim | Stadtlander | Eagle Rock | VA | http://www.woodcarvedart.com | Sculpture |
| Ron | Headings | Bluffton | OH | HeadingsArts.com | Sculpture |
| Don | Poff | Circleville | OH | | Sculpture |
| Jeff | Linenkugel | Cincinnati | OH | http://www.jlcustomworks.com | Sculpture |
| Kevin | Heekin | Ft Thomas | KY | http://www.heekinpewter.com | Sculpture |
| Stephanie | Pierson-Hutson | Fishers | IN | | Sculpture |
| Karl | Feng | Cincinnati | OH | http://www.Etsy.com/shop/WatercolorByKarlFeng | Watercolor |
| Robert | Bridges | Georgetown | KY | http://www.robbridges.com | Watercolor |
| Pamela | Hallock | LOVELAND | OH | https://georgianbaywatercolors.com | Watercolor |
| Tina | Kelsey | Athens | OH | http://www.tinastiaras.com | Wearable Art |
| Deborah | Kennedy | Bellevue | KY | | Wearable Art |
| Mia | Tyson | Tega Cay | SC | http://www.livingoutloudwithmia.com | Wearable Art |
| Ruth | Davis | Harwich | MA | | Wearable Art |
| Susan | Grant | Louisville | KY | | Wearable Art |
| Aly | Stacy | New Richmond | OH | http://www.kreativemindzshop.com | Wearable Art |
| Jane Ann | Steiner | Fishers | IN | http://www.fibernecklaces.com | Wearable Art |
| Kathleen | Withers | Nisswa | MN | N/A | Wearable Art |
| Avril | Clindinin | Irvington | NJ | | Wearable Art |
| BJ | McHugh | Cincinanti | OH | http://www.loveworn.net | Wearable Art |
| Jerry | Krider | Columbia City | IN | none | Wood |
| Patsy | Hancock | Providence | KY | | Wood |
| Josh | Brenneman | Cincinnati | OH | solidfurniture.com | Wood |
| Jerry | Warner | Fort Thomas | KY | http://www.jwarnerwoodworking1.com | Wood |
| Rob | Liptak | Springfield | OH | http://www.RobLiptakArt.com | Wood |
| Tom | Dresch | Villa Hills | KY | http://www.woodworkertom55.com | Wood |
| Jessica | Hansbauer | Liberty Township | OH | willowandbirch.shop | Wood |
| Terri | Cadman | New Market | TN | http://www.c-cstudios.com | Wood |
| Steven | Harris | Louisville | KY | http://www.mkt.com/steves-wood-crafters | Wood |
| Ben | Wilson | Crawfordsville | IN | | Wood |
| Marsha | Sink | Lewisburg | OH | | Wood |
| Jeff | Vollmer | Cincinnati | OH | http://www.merchantsofmirth.weebly.net | Wood |
| Sam | Criswell | forney | TX | | Wood |
| John | Kara | Perryopolis | PA | http://www.karawooddesigns.com | Wood |
| Tony | Lipps | Cincinnati | OH | tonylippsart.com | Oils/Acrylics |
| Robbie | Robertson | Shaker Heights | OH | | Fiber |
| Jason | Glaser | Whitehall | OH | | Metal |
| Evangelia | Philippidis | Grove City | OH | theartofevangelia.net | Printmaking |
| Jeff | Zoellner | Savannah | GA | | Jewelry, Fine |
| Barbara | Weinreb | Dix Hills | NY | wewearit.com | Jewelry, Other |
| David | Becker | Versailles | KY | ezhangchairs.com | Furniture |
| Jarrod | Futscher | Pittsburgh | PA | takttimedesign.com | Glass |
| Michael | O'Shea | Dayton | OH | | 3D Mixed Media |
| Jason | Bove | Oregonia | OH | | Clay, Functional |
| Debra | Bet | Budd Lake | NJ | [email protected] | Jewelry, Fine |